Vaginal (Vee) Steaming is an age-old natural remedy which directs aromatherapy oil or  herbal-infused steam into the vee. Common terms used for this exercise are Vee-steaming or Yoni steaming and for a high fee, some upscale spas offer the process but you can also do it at home with the right herbs or aromatherapy oils (available at *Vintage Herbals* ) and the right steaming container, the process is pretty simple — you just sit or squat over a container of herbal-infused steam.


✓Add hot water into your chosen herbs or aromatherapy oils in the steaming container.

✓Let the herbs or oils steep for at least a minute to allow the richness of the herbs infuse into the water and steam.

✓Remove your clothes from the waist downwards and sit or squat directly over the steaming container.

✓Wrap a towel around your waist and legs to prevent the steam from escaping. However, modern vaginal steaming containers are more comfortable and convenient to use and don’t require this step.

Please note that the average steam session lasts between 15 and 30 minutes, depending on how hot the water is, the steam may cool sooner.


We may all agree that between menstruation, sexual intercourse, and childbirth, the vee withstands a lot. When you add changing hormones and pelvic floor issues to the mix, sometimes the vee area is overwhelmed and this is where Vaginal steaming comes in to sooth the situation.

📌Cleans the vee, uterus, and the entire reproductive tract.
📌Regulates menstrual flow to prevent heavy bleeding
📌Eases menstrual cramps and bloating when done a day or two before the start of the menstruation.
📌It is relaxing and helps to relieve stress, fatigue and depression.
📌Prevents vaginal yeast infections since it balances the pH in the area hence making it impossible for candida causing yeasts to survive.
📌Boosts libido and will make every woman that does it desire more sex. Most women are usually sexually turned on during and after steaming.
📌Increases blood flow to the vaginal area, making the vee tissues nicely warm, smooth and soft.
📌Restores the natural vee smell which may previously have been altered by foods, infections or medicines.
📌Eliminates menstrual residues, bad smell and  vee dryness that are usually left behind after the menstrual period.

❌Should not be done during pregnancy as the warm steam and some herbs may be unsafe for the unborn baby.
🤫Should only be done once a month, either a day or two before your menstruation period or a day or two after your menstruation period . Doing it more often than this is not safe for your reproductive cycle especially if the egg is already released.
❌Not recommended  for women with the Intra Uterine contraceptive Device (IUD). This is because The smoothness of the Vee and cervical tissues caused by the steaming may lead the IUD to slide out of place leading to unwanted pregnancy.
❌An overheated vee may provide the perfect environment for bacteria and yeasts that cause vee infections infections to thrive or even cause burns and scalds to the area so the steam should be warm not hot.
❌Ensure that you are not allergic to any of the herbs or oils before adding them to your steaming container because the last place you want an allergic reaction is your vee.

Vaginal steaming herbs available at Vintage Herbals
Price: 40,000/-
Qty: 100g

*Vintage Herbals*
Tel: *+256 782 312 190*
Tel: *+256 751 646 179*



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