The healthiest substitute for sugar

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UGX 15,000


Jaggery is a natural sweetener used as the healthier alternative for sugar. It is essentially a type of unrefined sugar made primarily from raw, concentrated sugarcane juice that is boiled until it solidifies and only gives the body empty calories that are harmless to the body.


✅Facilitates quick digestion to prevent the belly from bloating and expanding.

✅Helps in cleansing the body by flushing out the toxins and also purifying the blood.

✅The jaggery nutrients help to preserve the balance of electrolytes, thereby improving metabolism which improves fat burning to facilitate weight loss.

✅Prevents Constipation by regulating certain digestive enzymes in the body which helps in proper bowel movements. Eating some jaggery serves as a diuretic that can help promote bowel movement.

✅Boosts Immunity and increases blood levels in the body.

✅ Controls blood pressure; People with high blood pressure issues should have it regularly to have positive effects.

✅Boosts Energy levels and can also help in preventing body weakness and fatigue.

✅Relieves Joint Pain: add it to the regular diet of an individual with joint pains. It should be eaten with a piece of ginger or with milk to relieve the joint pains. .1qe

✅Relieves Menstrual Pains; having warm Jaggery with milk can help in soothing cramps and relieving pains.

✅Prevents Anemia because of its high iron content as well as folate, which helps to produce RBCs in the body, making it a safe way to avoid anemia.

✅Prevents Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) and inflammation of the bladder.

✅ Eliminates pimples and acne, just add some jaggery powder to some lemon juice and a little bit of water to make a perfect paste. Apply this paste on the affected area for 15 minutes then wash off with warm water, and store the rest of it away. Use it every day if you want to see the results.

✅Boosts hair growth and thickness, simply add it to your hair deep conditioning mixtures and apply each time you wash your hair to increase hair length and thickness.

Jaggery has little to no signs of any kind of fat, so you can easily add it to your diet. However, its sugar content is close to that of white sugar, so overconsumption should be regulated in patients who have diabetes.


*Per one teaspoon of Jaggery powder:*

✴️Empty calories 19.1g

✴️Carbohydrates 4.9g

✴️Fats: 0.005g

✴️Protein: 0.02g

Calcium (4.0 mg), Iron (0.27 mg), Magnesium (8 mg), Phosphorus (2.0 mg), Potassium (7 mg), Sodium (1.5 mg), Selenium (0.07 mcg)

Niacin (0.1 mg), Vitamin B6 (0.02 mg), Pantothenic Acid (0.05 mg)

PRICE: 15,000/
QTY: 500g

Available at Vintage Herbals, Shop 39, Grand Imperial Hotel Shopping Mall.



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